Well, I did it. I got the heck outta Dodge and after couch surfing for the last four weeks, I'm on my way to a new apartment. Please join me in shouting, Hooray!
Little did I know this is where the real headache begins.
It's been a while since I've had an apartment and I have forgotten how much stuff you actually need. Making it worse is that I'm no longer a college student, and so those luxuries I've become accustomed to in the last few years are not ones I'm willing to go without.
Last night, my new roommate (who in fact is an old roommate from said college days) and I planned a supply-shopping trip with excitement. On the list were two of my favorite places besides Europe and Disneyland: IKEA and Target.
IKEA was first on the list. As soon as we entered the doors, we were informed that the massive store would be closing in 30 minutes. Supermarket Sweep commenced.
After a half hour of hemming and hawing and picking up and putting back, we left empty-handed. "Big mistake. Huge," we told IKEA staffers as we departed. (Of course it was out of earshot, but we meant it!) We were ready to spend at least 40 dollars (that's right, 40 dollars!) and they blew it by closing. Ah well, at least there is Target.
At this point our heads were beginning to hurt and our tummies were growling, since we had planned on dining at IKEA and you heard how that turned out. But we braved on.
Indeciveness followed us around like an annoying little sister, but we were determined to have something to show for our shopping trip.
We ended up with some pots and pans, Brita water filter, towels, and a kitchen utensil set that we weren't entirely sure about. Oh and drinking glasses.
All and all, I'd chalk it up to a successful evening. We've barely scratched the surface of the things we need, but if we could just figure out what those things are, I believe we are good to go.