I'm about halfway through "Zen and the Art of Screenwriting" by William Froug and am wondering why I didn't read it back in 2003. I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
"Zen" has gotten me thinking (which I guess is the purpose of college textbooks) and hopefully soon will get me writing. But, it has had an unexpected result as well.
The book is basically information on writing intermixed with interviews with successful screenwriters. They discuss their trials and tribulations but also their Oscars and other accomplishments.
But back to the trials and tribulations.
A common challenge these screenwriters faced was having their words rewritten and rewritten and rewritten, losing their vision along the way.
Now, I haven't even written a screenplay I'd want to show to anyone. But that hasn't stopped me from panicking that it's going to be completely redone and changed from my creative voice. I caught myself feeling the screenwriter's pain and making it my own. "How could they do this to us?!"
And then I realized, "Oh wait, they didn't do that to me. I haven't even written anything yet!" But when I do and it's been changed from a sweet and witty rom com into a blood and guts action flick, I bet that nice Hollywood paycheck will soften the blow.