I spent my birthday and a few days more in Los Angeles with some good friends, all of whom happened to be obsessed with the vampire known as Edward Cullen.
As much as I fought and kicked and screamed and tried to get out of it, Friday night found me at Blockbuster to pick up the just-released DVD.
Racing home, my friends and I got comfy and thus began our journey into the Twilight Zone.
From what I could hear in between the squeals and "This is my favorite scene!" was just enough to pique my interest into where this tale leads.
Not so much that I want to read it, but just quiz whoever will tell me. And watch the following movies, which I trust will be of much higher quality.
The second viewing of "Twilight" on Saturday night had me further thinking, "I could write that," and wondering why I didn't.
I tried reading the book and found it so dull I couldn't finish it. It just wasn't something I could sink my teeth into (pun intended). But seeing that it's a national best seller and everyone I know can't put it down, maybe I don't have my fingers on the pulse of what's quality entertainment.
Instead of telling myself that I suck (ha!), I think I'll take it as a challenge. You're on Stephanie Meyer.
i'll read your books for sure =)
i'll love your books even more if you put a "carlisle" type of figure in there ;)
thank you for spending your bday with us and thank you for watching twilight with me even if you hated it! love you
:> That's a vampire face! and it's smiling at you :>
I can't help but laugh when I read this...sounds like Amber...she's (re) reading all those books as I type this (I even got her a "Twilight" bookmark)!
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