Friday, February 26, 2010

Face off

Thanks to company furloughs, this morning my alarm clock didn't wake me and I was able to sleep in until 6:30 a.m. Yes, that is sleeping in for me, and I was grateful for it.

After meeting coworkers for a delicious breakfast, I am now seated at the local coffee shop (yes, Copperopolis has one) and trying to make my day productive. There's so much I need to do, such as find a new job before my big move (any suggestions?), exercise (eh, let's be honest, probably won't) and write a blockbuster film (won't finish it today, but I can at least name the characters).

It's really nice to have a day off to get some things done, because I know the next few weeks are going to be extremely busy.

But, challenging my ability to get things done is, of course, the enemy: Facebook. "What's so and so doing right now?" I wonder. "I really need to leave Jane Doe a message." "Oh my gosh, look at John Smith's new baby!"

Facebook, why don't you want me to accomplish anything? Are you going to pay my bills? Go to the gym for me? Film my script? I'm pretty sure the answer is no.

So when I finally find where Facebook has moved the Sign Off button to, I exit immediatly. But Facebook knows as well as I do, I'll be back. Oh yes, I'll be back.


Jen May said...

Thanks for the work you sent in for the sun shorts blog :D

maidenvoyage said...

Hey, if you feel like a change, you're welcome to come visit Cincinnati.

Vanessa Gorley

christie said...

stumbled upon this, and thought of u in case ur interested. they seemed to have openings in sfo.

i miss u. when is your move-in date?